Aircloak is pleased to announce the data anonymization bounty program for Diffix Dogwood, the anonymization technology at the core of Aircloak Insights.
The MPI-SWS/Diffix Bounty 2020 program is sponsored by the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS), Aircloak’s research partner. The total purse is $30,000, and top prize is $10,000. The bounty program uses the General Data Anonymization measurement score and software from the Open GDA Score Project.
This bounty program, along with the earlier program from 2018, are to our knowledge the only bounties ever offered for data anonymization. The bug bounty is a core component of the GDPR compliance strategy for Aircloak and Diffix Dogwood. The bounty allows us to find and fix vulnerabilities in the design, as well as build evidence that Diffix Dogwood is indeed GDPR compliant. This is especially important given the lack of any national compliance programs for GDPR anonymity.
The Diffix Dogwood bounty expands on the Diffix Birch bounty. The Dogwood bounty has two prize components, an effectiveness component, and a coverage component. The effectiveness component measures whether any of the data can be attacked. The coverage component measures how much of the data can be attacked. The Birch bounty only used the effectiveness component. By adding coverage, we learn more about the risks associated with the attack. Each component has a maximum prize of $5000 for a total of $10000 possible prize.
MPI-SWS and Aircloak believe that the best path towards strong and usable data anonymization is transparency. We look forward to many attacks in the coming months!
Categorised in: Aircloak Attack Challenge, Anonymization, Privacy